Monday 3 May 2010

Catwoman - Pitof

What a God awful movie this is! Just bad. I hated this so much, it was like watching a cat being strangled by a cliche. Oh god it was awful. I think there should be a new classification of film: SWSS (Shit With Sharon Stone) It is the worst film I have seen in a long time.

Halle Berry (what ever happened to her?) is such a bad actor in this. Her character uses poor excuses for puns, including "purrrrfect", and it just makes you cringe. The storyline was bad, it didn't make sense, it didn't engage the audience and it felt so contrived. Sharon Stone is possibly the worst actress ever, and her superpower was boring. Oh so you have super hard skin, just like a crocodile, but its smooth so you look young!

I really have nothing else to write about this rubbish film. Its a 2 out of 10 for me. The special effects were not bad at all and Halle Berry is a stunning woman!

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