Sunday 23 May 2010

Gran Torino - Clint Eastwood

It turns out I made a mistake during my last blog. I said the next film was Pinocchio but infact it was Gran Torino starring, directed by and produced by Clint Eastwood. Having not much experience with the Eastwood brand, only having seen Dirty Harry before, it was nice to see what an Eastwood modern film is like. It was dark, it was gritty, it was racist and it also was satisfying.

Firstly I felt the acting was not brilliant, Eastwood was dodery and the supporting characters were just a little wooden for me. But it is the story which is the saving grace of this film. The old man hates his surroundings but then once he starts to embrace them then they learns to like them. The difference in this story is Eastwood plays an aging Vietnam vet who is very racist and the neighbours are all Hmong residents from China.

Also the twist at the end was pretty amazing, it got you guessing but you could never see it coming. It was very good! Mainly though, I felt the film was a little too slow and that bugged me in the end. I wanted it to end.

This film exceeded my expectations and for that gets a 8 out of 10!

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