Monday 29 March 2010

The Docks Of New York - Josef Von Stermberg

As I said in my previous post, this is my very first silent film and probably will not be my last. Here is what I thought: it was very good. The story kept me gripped throughout and the music actually fit every situation showed.

The only problem I had was the moral that the film portrayed, especially in conjunction to the main character, Bill Roberts. Bill is a very masculine, manly, blokey bloke, but he seems to think he can get his own way by just pushing people out of the way. Obviously this movie is from a different period to the one we live in now, but still Bill seemed to be compensating for something.

The female character, Mae, was absolutely beautiful. She plays a prostitute in the film, but due to the time it was released, 1928, the film is not made in any outlandish ways, it was just a good story about love, told in a very interesting way.

The ending shocked me slightly as Bill ended up in prison for 60 days, which is not the happily ever after that most love stories are meant to portray.

I will say that during parts, the lack of speech did bore me, but I blame this more on the fact that silent movies aren't made any more.

All in all a quality movie, and a lovely introduction to silent films. This cliche loving author gives this film 5 out of 10. I didn't hate it, but its not going to be on the list of my favourite films of all time.

My mind is slipping, just a heads up on the next movie. Its called The Fourth Man and it is a Dutch film. So currently the foreign films have outweighed the English films, but I look forward to it quite a lot.

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