Friday 16 April 2010

Der Letzte Mann - F.W. Murnau

Sorry it has been so long, the film did not turn up so I had to purchased another copy, but it came today so I thought I would watch it. Der Letzte Mann (or The Last Laugh) is a German silent movie, starring Emil Jenning's as an elderly doorman at an upperclass hotel who, due to his age, is demoted to lavatory assistant. I am not going to lie to you, it bored me a little bit, probably due to the fact there is no dialogue at all, not even intertitles and also I couldn't relate to the characters. I did fall asleep during the film, but I think that was more to working all day rather than the film.

Anyway, the film just did not fit together, and once it got to the true ending it all seemed a little depressing. The Doorman was shamed and his community had all laughed and shunned him, but then the really silly part of the film came along, the epilogue, which turns this realistic look at shame and status into a farce. In the epilogue, the Doorman inherits millions due to a claus in someones will saying they will leave all of their money to the person whose arms they die in. This is just silly and adds nothing at all to the film, the only thing it does help is show that money makes The Doorman a character who likes the poor to be treated well.

As I said I did not enjoy the film and that is why it is only getting a 2 out of 10 from me. Its a shame as it was very well filmed and it did bring about modern camera techniques, but the film just did not click for me.

Fun fact though, Emil Jennings, was the first person to win the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1928, and also he is the first person to EVER receive as Oscar, as his category was the first one presented.

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