Thursday 29 April 2010

Dirty Harry - Don Siegel

Two in one day, I am on a role. This is the 25th movie in the list and what a cracker! Clint Eastwood stars as maverick cop, Harry Callahan (nicknamed Dirty Harry due to the fact he does all the dirty jobs) I thoroughly enjoyed watching this film, it had action, suspense, a crazy villain and a like able (I do not really know that like able is the word) protagonist.

The story itself is simple, a gunman will kill one person a day until he gets some money, but Harry has other plans. In the latter part of the film, Harry is sent on a race through San Francisco answering telephones to find the man. This was an obvious inspiration for Die Hard III in which the same thing happens. Obviously with such a famous film, you get memorable moments, and in this film it occurs when Harry asks "Do you feel lucky, well do ya, punk?"

The film is a good old fashioned thriller, but it didn't completely win me over. I felt the supporting cast was a bit weak, I never felt Harry got the full backlash from his superiors, and the villain may of been a little over the top. Andy Robinson, who played the gunman, has such an evil look and evil laugh that he was menacing but maybe a little pantomime!

Well for such a stella film I wouldn't be able to go below 7, but I feel for the addictiveness of it, it will get a 8 out of 10 from me.

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