Sunday 25 April 2010

Le Doulos - Jean-Pierre Melville

Another French movie, this time a film-noir about gangstas! I will admit to you that I was bored during the first half of the movie, I lost the plot of the storyline and was confused at how Silien was getting away with being a bastard! Other confused came from how to pronounce his name! Sicilian? Sillyben? Scimimim? Anyway I was getting close to boredom and then the second half, and more importantly, the reveal, showed exactly what the movie was about. It was not about a bastard who was playing everyone, it was about a bastard who was looking out for his friends and put a very clever plan in action.

I am not going to go into the depths of the plot, but the plot reveal is fantastic. Also, I like the fact it was filmed in black and white, it gave a grittier feel to the movie without trying to make it purposely so. Very well shot and the ladies were very pretty. i don't say this much in movies, but these French women were stunning!

The actor who plays Salmonella looks remarkably like a cross between Brookie actor Philip Olivier and Katie Price's latest meal, Alex Reid. Anyway I give this movie a 4 out of 10. The majority of it bored me but it recouped the 4 by having a very clever ending.

Just a quick note on this blog, I have decided it is unfair to actually just review the best of the best, so every 2 weeks or so I shall be watching a film that has been called the shittest of the shit. This will start with Catwoman in about 2 or 3 movies time!

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