Friday 16 April 2010

Toy Story - John Lasseter

I can remember seeing this film at the cinema when I was just a little tyke and loved it so much; it was funny, imaginative and felt new. I worried that my opinion would change now that I am a little older. Oh how naive I was. It seemed fresher to me now, I got all of the jokes, I saw the underlying themes of the dangers of jealously and the problems of bullying, I even felt that the whole premise worked as a masterpiece of film.

There are quite a few adult-flavoured jokes, especially the part in which Mr Potato-Head takes his lips off and smacks them up against his behind, hinting that somebody was a kiss ass. This is not something I would have got when I was little, but now I see it is a funny little action from a character who is actually quite dark. He seems to lead the other toys when they will not accept Woody back into the fold, because they believe he killed Buzz. I actually do not like Mr Potato-Head anymore.

It is brilliantly constructed, the voices suit the characters so very well, and if I had to pick a favourite character, I would have to say it is the Pizza Planet aliens. They are just the most adorable things in the world, and I challenge you not to want one!

Score wise, this will be a 9 out of 10 as it is entertaining, funny and just a brilliant movie, one of the best kids films I have seen.

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