Thursday 8 April 2010

La Femme Du Boulanger - Marcel Pagnol

I know what your thinking, I only watched one this morning, but I seem to have the movie bug, so I thought I would give The Baker's Wife a go. It was interesting, I would not say its one of my favourite films but it ended up very watchable. I can't say I fully agree with the way the story developed though. The baker's wife has an affair and leaves the baker, who then breaks down and refuses to bake bread until she comes back, which she does and they seem to be happy again.

The story just did not seem like it would really happen, but maybe I am just a cynic who does not think someone can have an affair and then go back to the person they were originally with.

For me the support cast really made the film memorable, there was a group of four men who were hilarious, they got drunk and argued about elm trees. The teacher and the curate were also very fun to watch and even the Marquis had some good lines, but hats have to come off to Raimu, who played the baker and acted the socks off of everyone else.

I give this film a 3 out of 10, 3 really comes from the characters but the storyline did not embrace me and the overall feel of the film didn't quench my movie thirst. The next film is The Hills Have Eyes, I am a massive horror fan and can not wait for this. I have seen the modern remake so hopefully this one will not suck like that did.

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