Tuesday 6 April 2010

Giulietta Degli Spiriti - Federico Fellini

Just a few things to clear up before I start this mini review, a) the title is Juliet of the Spirits not Juliet and the Spirits and b) the film is Italian not Spanish. Anyway I actually enjoyed this film, which surprised me as I thought I would hate it. Fellini puts together a very solid and interesting movie which looks into a melancholic wife who has to deal with her desires and her subconscious.

Lead actress, Guilietta Masina (actually Fellini's wife till he died) is very subtle in he portrayal of the titular character and she is a marvellous actress. I will admit though I got lost half way through the movie and also I do think it dragged a little towards the end, but overall it was a solid piece of work.

Some parts of unintentional comedy came from the spirit Olaf, when he spoke through the medium. We can now see where the Exorcist got it's influence from. There were parts which were genuinely scary, for instance the girl who kept appearing as a martyred saint.

Contrary to the other European films I have seen on this list, this one had little sex, and the sex that was portrayed was either of a metaphorical sense or a little flash of breast from the neighbour, Suzy.

All in all I was surprised but not blown away by the film and that's why I shall give it a 5 out of 10. The next film in the running order is a Greek film called Landscape in the Mist. This film was very difficult to get hold of so I am hoping it is worth the hassle.

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