Thursday 1 April 2010

Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - Peter Jackson

Another day and another movie blog, and this movie was one which I ahd already seen a few times and knew I would enjoy again. Peter Jackson's masterpiece The Lord Of The Rings has forever had a place on my movie shelf, and watching it again just showed the brilliance it oozes.

Although the second in the trilogy, it keeps up the pace and still has quite a few surprises. Gandalf coming back is possibly one of the greatest moments in movie history, and Gollum's conversation with himself is such an iconic scene. Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis are just gods in my world.

Watch it though it did throw up some bits in which I got bored, mainly the parts where Aragorn and [insert any woman's name here] have a chat. It just bores me, why can't we have dwarves kicking arse for the whole 171 minutes?

Frodo also seems like a little bitch, always moaning and tripping, but other than that a class A movie. Any film in which a group of trees throw rocks and attack Christopher Lee has to be ranked upon the top films of all time!

So, probably a quite expected score of 10 out of 10, but Lord of the Rings has always been a love of mine. Its just a brilliant story, brilliant told, and brilliantly directed by the genius Peter Jackson. If you happen to like Peter Jackson and zombies then maybe you will like Braindead, as long as you have a strong stomach!

The next film in the list is Forbidden Planet, the first sci-fi film in the list!

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